Monday, 15 August 2011

It's been a while..

I have been a little disheartened to be honest, but it's not all bad. The beans seem to be doing very well since I bought a rainbow coloured twirly bird scarer thing from Poundland..

We've also had a decent supply of cucumbers, although the latest ones are very strangely shaped!

I don't think it will be long before our apples are ready. Some of them are very tiny, but that's OK. I can't wait to try them!

Broadholme Beauty

I harvested my red onions yesterday. I didn't have room to plant many of the set, so it was a bit of a waste of money, but.. yesterday I met my allotment for the first time! It's VERY weedy but huge and my mum assures me it has good soil. And it only costs £4.50 a year! So next year I will be growing loads of things :)
We've been blackberry picking twice over the Summer holidays and have made a few jars of bramble jelly and a batch of fruit leathers. The leathers are delicious and have proved so popular that I'm seriously considering splashing out on a dehydrator, as our oven doesn't go low enough to cook them without burning within minutes, and unfortunately my friend's oven took *3 days* to dry them sufficently which is a bit of a pain if you want to cook anything else! 

And in even more exciting news, CHICKEN RUN!!!

15 days until the chickens arrive :)  I hope our girls like their new home!
More chicken and allotment news to follow :)

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