Saturday, 28 May 2011

Garden photos

 Cherries! Almost fully grown, but there's no sign of them turning red yet. Must buy tree nets.
 Uh oh, an apple cordon that's growing at a 90 degree angle because all the fruit is forming at the top..
 The strawberries are mostly being protected from birds this year. These little beauties were hiding under the enviromesh :)
 Potato flowers
 Mini cucumbers! I really hope these are going to grow into fruits. They do look slightly bigger than they did two days ago..
 I have a new plan for the future chickens. I think the best option is a walk in run at the bottom of the garden (here, in place of the shrub and along the fence) with an Eglu coop inside it. I'm hoping to have this in place by my birthday (August 31st)!
Fattening plums

1 comment:

  1. You have loads on the go. I have still not risked planting stuff out as we are getting no rain, so it is easier to keep things in tubs/pots in the house for now.
