Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Wow, I haven't said anything for a very long time. I would like to get into this again.

Since I last updated I have continued to learn to crochet and have made a cushion cover, plus some rather funky scarves for the girls for Christmas:

I treated myself to a Valentine's Day present of a sewing machine, a rather funky Janome SMD2000. It was more than I wanted to spend, but my mum convinced me that it was a really good one. It has a needle threader! And all sorts of stitches that I may never use! I hope it will last me my entire sewing life, and possibly be fit for passing on at the end of it, so I don't feel too bad. Last weekend I got some fabrics and made a start on PE bags for the girls:

I'm quite pleased with them, as are the girlies. I have some patterns (pyjamas and 2 types of dress), a book full of inspiration, and Cath Kidston's Patch to work on next. I need more fabric though. Lots more fabric. I sense that this could be an expensive hobby!

The chickens are still doing well. They enjoy free ranging when I'm at home, and reluctantly stick to their pen when I'm not. They still lay an egg each almost every single day which is amazing, and rather overwhelming. There are only so many pancakes, poached eggs and cakes one can eat! I've given some away and sold some at work, and they do make me feel quite proud. I even brought some in to make pancakes with the children on Pancake Day.

The allotment is doing well. I think. I've figured out (and in the end it wasn't that hard, I just *blush* read the labels) that the fruit cage holds a gooseberry, 2 blackcurrants and a redcurrant! The rhubarb is looking VERY promising:

This is a photo of my little slaves helpers, planting some Summer flower bulbs.

So far, apart from the pre existing fruit, I've planted some broad beans (must plant 2nd lot asap), peas (think they died), elephant garlic, normal garlic, onions and carrots so far. We have sweet peas on a windowsill, and artichokes, although none have germinated and it's been 2 weeks.

Here's to blogging more in 2012!